Recording Dimensions - Screenjelly will always record the entire desktop screen but other services let you pick the desktop area that you want to record. There’s no set limit in Screen Toaster but the recorded video should not exceed 20 MB in size so you can record video of longer duration if you keep the dimensions small (and vice-versa). Screencast duration - The maximum length of screencasts in Screencast-o-matic is 15 minutes, 3 minutes in the case of Screen Jelly while ScreenR allows recording of up to 5 minutes per screencast. Screen Toaster “officially” supports the Linux platform as well.
Supported platforms - You can create screencasts on both Mac and PC using either of these services.
So how does ScreenR compare with other web based screencasting apps that have been around for a while like Screen Toaster, Screen Jelly or Screencast-o-Matic? Online Screencasting Tools - A Comparison
Once the video is recorded, you can upload it to YouTube (as 720p HD) or save it locally for further editing in the popular MP4 format. With ScreenR, you can record desktop movies of up to 5 minutes and, if you have a microphone, you can also add voice narration to your screencasts. It’s a free web based screencasting tool that lets you create digital recordings of your computer screen from any web browser without requiring software. This information was compiled by Online Learning's Kristin Palmer and can be accessed in the below document, which also contains a sample storyboard and additional resources.Articulate, a company that is best known for developing e-learning software, has just launched ScreenR (short for Screen + Recorder).
Decide on screencasting software, Screencast-o-matic is easy-to-use and free.Create an outline, storyboards can be helpful (see sample in below attachment).10 Steps to Successful Screen Capture Videos Screencasts can be uploaded to any number of hosting sites such as Box, Google Drive, COLLAB, or YouTube.
Tricks to screencasting are to keep videos short, concise, and “evergreen.” Evergreen means you record your videos without reference to current events, dates or seasons so that you can reuse the same video in the future without having to edit. There are numerous free tools available such as Screencast-o-matic (easy-to-use, free), OBS Studio (open source, many features), Kaltura (embedded in COLLAB), Screencastify, Filmora, Jing, and Panopto. Screencasting, also known as screen capture, is a method to quickly show students content from your desktop by recording, editing and sharing videos.